What Would You Do if You Are 22 Again

On Mother'south Day 7 years agone, I felt on top of the globe. I was graduating from my alma mater in Chapel Hill, NC. My family had driven from Memphis to see me graduate. I had a job offer in hand to piece of work at Wall Street for at least the next two years. A nice salary with no student debt! Things were looking great at that time.

When I look back at that fourth dimension, I grin and honestly wouldn't change a affair about what happened those next 7 years, for the events (both good and bad) helped shape me to the man I am today and position me for where I'm going in the future.

However, for all those graduating higher seniors and 22-year-olds out there who are open to some advice from someone who'south been out in the "real earth" for vii years, if I were speaking to my 22-twelvemonth-old self upon graduation, here are the 5 tips I would take given him (&you also) #IfIWere22:

Embrace Social Media as a Way of Life (non a fad)

When I was in college, Facebook was known as thefacebook.com with an image of Mark Zuckerberg as function of the background. LinkedIn was in its infancy. And Twitter looked more similar MySpace (anyone remember MySpace?) at that time. Many people, including my parents and older generations, thought that Social Media was merely a fad. They thought that it was dangerous to put out data on yourself to the public.

However, nowadays, more of those same people are "selectively forgetful" on what they said before about social media and have created Facebook profiles themselves. Social Media, when used right with common sense, is a keen fashion to stay continued with people, share what's of import to you lot, and build community wherever you are. Information technology tin can even assist y'all make sales or get hired.

Learn how to best apply Social Media beyond just the basics.

Allow Become of Your "Five Yr Plan" and Be More Flexible

When I was 22, I was ane of those people that wrote an all-encompassing v-yr plan that showed me progressing through Wall Street to become a Vice President with a married woman, ii.5 kids and living in the Upper East Side of New York Urban center. Now that I look at that, 7 years later, I express joy and recall about how "cute" and "naive" I was doing that plan.

I'm really glad that it did not work out as I originally planned.

It'south funny how life works sometimes. Sometimes, the side by side v years are even BETTER than what yous could have ever planned. That is, if you are bold plenty to let go of the demand to take control in every aspect of your life and to become flexible to what life easily you, as long equally yous practice your best in EVERY opportunity that life easily you.

Take Time At present to Discover What Y'all're Truly Passionate Most

We all are passionate about something. Yet, we don't always take the time to notice that considering we're then busy "being decorated". Busy in the classroom. Decorated at the job. Busy going from one happy 60 minutes to another. Busy, decorated, decorated. Sometimes, you have to slow down and have the time to smell the roses (while you can still scent them).

Don't get so busy making a living that y'all forget to make a life
-- Dolly Parton

In other words, accept time to mentor a couple kids if yous like working with children. Take that Italian cooking class when you take some free time. Learn more nigh what the Gates Foundation is doing to help eradicate preventable diseases if that interests you lot.

Whatever you practise, don't put off unto tomorrow what you tin can do today. For tomorrow, you may non accept that time to pursue what truly makes yous alive.

Create More than Priceless Moments with Those You Love

Life is short. Existent brusk. I've learned the difficult mode nearly taking for granted certain relationships and friendships in my life that I cannot get back once again. Sometimes, I've been guilty of existence so focused on my studies or career that I miss out on an opportunity that I volition remember for the remainder of my life.

I truly believe that when we get (much) older, nosotros won't call up how much money we made or all our achievements. Nosotros'll more than likely remember the moments that took our breath away, gave our lives significant, and truly fabricated us grateful to be here. Along with those that fabricated united states smiling and express joy until we cried.

Take time to enjoy life with those you honey as if today was your concluding solar day to do so.

Focus on Your Legacy & Impact More than "Success"

We all have a purpose here on Earth for the limited time we have. Nosotros only take one shot at this affair called life. It'd be a shame to play it safe all the way through to arrive safely at your grave, with all the desires, talents and passions however within you. What you have is a gift that tin truly impact other people and make their lives better, if y'all are courageous enough to take fourth dimension to discover it, nurture it, and share it with others.

One of the LinkedInfluencers that I respect a lot, Gary Vaynerchuk, one time said:

Legacy is GREATER than Currency -- Gary Vaynerchuk

What I remember he means is that it'south much more important on how you fabricated the globe amend, every bit a result of you being here. You made life better for someone other than yourself. You lot didn't focus and then much on obtaining social club's materialistic (and fleeting) definition of success that y'all miss the opportunity of irresolute another person'southward life forever with the gifts y'all have. Look at life more than in the long-term vs. five years from at present, and do things that you volition exist proud of ten, twenty and xxx years subsequently.

While it's tempting to wish I had known all this 7 years ago, I'm thankful I know this now and then I can use information technology today. At the same fourth dimension, I'm thankful for all I've been through, and so I can share this advice to yous and all the other 22-year-olds out there, and then you can live a amend tomorrow.

At the finish of the 24-hour interval, information technology's all about living with no regrets considering ultimately...

Y'all Only Live In one case, but if You Practise It Right, Once is Enough.
-- Mae Westward

Promise this post helps you to do this thing chosen life right.

-- Philip Blackett

Are you on Twitter? If so, let's connect & continue the conversation there too: @PhilipBlackett

If this mail is of value to you, please share it with your connections and so they can do good besides.

Photo: Author's Own


This post is simply here to help you in your professional development. Accept what works for yous specifically and leave out the rest. While your results may vary, I desire to at least share some best practices that have worked for me. One more affair, the views expressed in this post are my views solitary. My views are non affiliated, endorsed or sponsored by whatsoever company, schoolhouse or organization that I may be a part of.


Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140520131311-11458886-5-things-i-would-do-if-i-were-22-again

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